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Appropriate Digital Technology

In the context of the CoLab digital technology includes software and hardware choices of digital tools to be able to carry out intended functions for example a choice of server service to host the website or a choice of software to handle a community database. Appropriate refers to the ethical implications of using a digital tool which takes into account permaculture ethics of people care, earth care and fair share along with it’s intended use and value generated to the community. Recognising the challenges these choices present and on what basis a tool is deemed appropriate or good enough for now until a better tool is identified.

Income sharing contribution

An percentage amount agreed within a circle that would be put aside from each transaction to go towards expenses set up by the circle members. Each circle has full autonomy as to how much and for what this is used.


A term used by the Open Collective team to describe a unique page for a group or project to collect donations or receive payment. Each collective must have a fiscal host to be able to transact money in and out of the collective.


A term used on Slack to describe a tag that alerts one or more people. Eg @welcomers would alert the members who are included in that usergroup.

Fiscal Host

A formal entity which is registered and can handle monies on behalf of individuals or groups. Important to note that a Fiscal Host is not an employer and any individual is responsible for their own fiscal obligations in the country they are resident in.